
I'm sam, here's my website

Links to things I made or am making:

COVID19_PANIC: mix for these uncertain times when staying connected is more important than ever (Apr 2020)


CARHELL_2020: mix for when you're in car hell (Apr 2020)


CIRLCE_OF_BLOOD: celebrate the 2010s (Feb 2020)


BUFFALO_JUMP: music video about american bison (May 2019)


ANXIOUS456: music video about fleas (Apr 2019)


FC_PROSAIC: music video about drums n drones (Mar 2019)


MARCEL_TAPE: mix for marcel's party


GUANTANAMO_ALBERTA: music video for a sad song (Dec 2018)


TG387: The rest of this website (Nov 2018-Present)


SDANTE: Various sound projects (Jan 2018-Present)


SUNRISE_SCAVENGER: sample based songs (Nov 2018)


SECOND_LUNG: first real album (Oct 2018)


SPACE_POLITICS: movie and soundtrack (May 2018)


MISSIONHILL: little effects demo (Apr 2018)


BAD_CAMERAS: digital photo diary (Jan 2017-Apr 2018)


DRUGFILM: movie about drug use in america (Nov 2017)


IAPOTYTDSYNTD: documentary about politics and AM radio (Apr 2017)


SELF_PORTRAIT: self portrait (Feb 2017)


WIZBIZ_TAPES: mixtapes (Dec 2016-Jan 2017)


KARL_MARX_QUOTES: conterfeit marxism (2015-2016)

Links to social networks:









